Thursday, January 28, 2016

The decision

My flight,hotel,and shuttle have been booked, 11 days from today on February 8th... I pet my Dog over to my Sister and Bro-in-Law (Thank You Sis and Bro-in-Law) and leave Sacramento. (Thank You other Sister for the Plane ticket) This time it's for Tucson, AZ...  My CDT buddy MANIAC (maniac's AZT blog) and possibly another CDT bro BirdDog ( will meet  me at the Baymont Inn there in Tucson(where Maniac has already made us Reservations) The next day the 9th... We buy some food and hop on a shuttle to the Arizona/Mexico border. There we will start our 800 mile hike North...  Using the Arizona Trail.  We get to end our hike in one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Grand Canyon. I've never been and I can't wait. 
This blog will be dedicated to this AZT'2016 journey.

Enjoy and, 
Remember Now, Good Karma