Thursday, January 28, 2016

The decision

My flight,hotel,and shuttle have been booked, 11 days from today on February 8th... I pet my Dog over to my Sister and Bro-in-Law (Thank You Sis and Bro-in-Law) and leave Sacramento. (Thank You other Sister for the Plane ticket) This time it's for Tucson, AZ...  My CDT buddy MANIAC (maniac's AZT blog) and possibly another CDT bro BirdDog ( will meet  me at the Baymont Inn there in Tucson(where Maniac has already made us Reservations) The next day the 9th... We buy some food and hop on a shuttle to the Arizona/Mexico border. There we will start our 800 mile hike North...  Using the Arizona Trail.  We get to end our hike in one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Grand Canyon. I've never been and I can't wait. 
This blog will be dedicated to this AZT'2016 journey.

Enjoy and, 
Remember Now, Good Karma


  1. What you going to do when Karma, comes after you ,brother. MANIAC

  2. just a generic question here.. from someone with NO experiance backpacking who wants to do the AZT in time..

    you ever have any animal issues in your nights out? probably because of all the media hype, I worry about them just lurking out there waiting for some nice rare steak.. I know it's not the reality or they would have been hunted to extinction.. but cant get the worry out of my head :)

    any issues?

    1. No animal issues for me. Not even from the rodents. I camp with my food at night unless I am required to hang it or put it in a bearbox. Even while sleeping with my food as a pillow I had no issues. The animals are hyped up by the media like you said. Not really an issue in the back country. In National Parks is where you have to worry about the critters getting into your food. Not so much in the backcountry. You should definitely try and get out on the AZT for a little section hike. Happy Trails Man

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